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Twitter launches Brand Hub

The new analytical tool will allow advertisers to keep a track of conversations around the brand and its users.

Microblogging site Twitter has announced the launch of a new analytical tool called Twitter Brand Hub. The company claims that this new tool will help advertisers understand their brand's share of conversation, key audiences, and trends about their brand's conversation.

Twitter launches Brand Hub
Twitter launches Brand Hub
Twitter launches Brand Hub
In a press note, the company says, "Every day, millions of people Tweet about brands. Each Tweet has the potential to give advertisers new insights to better understand what customers, prospects, and influencers are saying, thinking, and feeling about their brand. To date, marketers haven't been able to gather these valuable insights in one place."

And, this is where Brand Hub takes over. It will help facilitate advertisers gain new insights and better understand the market. The 360-degree, real-time view gives the brand the opportunity to learn, take action and see the impact of their initiatives on Twitter. A company can gain insights about its brand in a number of key areas like TrueVoice, audience and conversation details.

TrueVoice is a new metric available within Brand Hub to help advertisers track their share of conversation in real time. Twitter determines TrueVoice by first analysing Tweets about a brand and those about its competitors. It then identifies what percentage of these impressions is owned by the said brand.

The audience view displays insights about the people actively talking about a brand on Twitter, including details about their gender, location, income levels, occupation types, and other key demographic attributes. It also highlights key influencers tweeting about the brand. These details are derived from Twitter data and Twitter Official Partners, and are shown in aggregate in order to provide insights while keeping individual user information private.

The 'conversation details' feature helps in understanding how people are discussing a brand on Twitter. It shows how many impressions a brand received over time, how many Tweets mentioned the brand or product, along with the top phrases mentioned in conjunction with it. One can also see breakouts on key topics such as brand loyalty, purchase intent, and more.

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