Results for '1mg'


At-home testing, discounted medicines and free doctor consults: 1mg touts subscription-based ‘Care Plan’…

… Along with e-pharma brands, it takes on the likes of Practo and Apollo24x7 with its doctor consults offering.

OYO launches COVID-19 travel assistance, facilitates infection testing for customers

The OYO app will feature state-wise travel guidelines and facilitate COVID-19 testing via health partners SRL Diagnostics, 1mg and Indus Health Plus.

1mg’s new campaign takes focus away from discounts

Medical ecommerce platform 1mg teams up with Spring Marketing Capital's Arun Iyer for new campaign

Script-heavy ads rule the roost this Republic Day


"To create a market is more important than worrying about the competition": Sameer Grover, Crownit