Results for 'Star FlOW'


“Simplicity is the best way to live”: Sonam Wangchuk

An innovator and education reformist, Wangchuk inspired ‘3 Idiots’.

“Convenience makes us trust too much”: Philipp Kristian Diekhoner

A look at Star FLOW’s ‘Why trust is world’s most impactful economic power?’ session.

What will it take to succeed in a difficult economic scenario?

A panel of four discusses at Star FLOW 2020.

Connecting in a culture of expression...

A look at Facebook India's Sandeep Bhushan's session at Star FLOW.

“Marketers are as affected as anyone else”: Richard Shotton

He zooms in on the impact of behaviour on marketing.

“We are not a thinking machine that feels, we are a feeling machine that thinks"

...says, Patrick Renvoise, co-founder and chief persuasion officer, SalesBrain.

Brand building vs Performance Marketing: getting the balance right

A to and fro between industry experts.