Results for 'Sting'


When PepsiCo’s Sting foiled an industrialist’s assassination

Leo Burnett’s ‘Dart’ takes the Sting on a thriller journey of an ad.

Sting's new campaign featuring Akshay Kumar as a student brings alive its mantra of electrifying energy

The film begins in a chemistry lab set up in a college with a grouchy professor reviewing science projects.

Sting® partners with Paytm for UPI cashback offer

With the purchase of Sting® 250ML PET bottle consumers can avail a cashback of INR 40 on their first Paytm UPI transaction.

Akshay Kumar's selfie with a lady has a gigantic gorilla posing in the background

What? Yes, that’s the new ad from Sting, PepsiCo’s carbonated beverage. Kumar became its ambassador, the drink’s first, in 2021.

afaqs! Creative Showcase: Pepsi’s Sting does a Center Shock


Ten Sports to broadcast Wrestlemania and MotoGP