
MICA to host a career fair for doctoral scholars and young academicians

The fair is scheduled for its 10th International Communication Management Conference themed 'Immersive Technology and Experiences'.

MICA's 10th International Communication Management Conference is set to host a career fair to offer a platform for aspiring researchers to connect with top-tier institutions across India and explore opportunities.

Githa Heggde, dean, MICA, Ahmedabad said, “The fair will be a single platform where the premier participating institutions find the right candidates they would otherwise spend a lot of time, energy and resources on.”

Participating institutes include SP Jain Institute of Management & Research, Goa Institute of Management, IMT Ghaziabad, Flame University, Nirma University, IRMA, KIIT University, BML Munjal University, and MICA.

Santosh Patra and Mayank Kumar, co-chairs of ICMC 2024, added, “The concept of a career fair for doctoral students and scholars is very common in the USA and Europe. However, it is a relatively new concept for India. The job fair will play an instrumental role in removing barriers and exploring possibilities on both sides.”

As part of the career fair, the institute has sought the resumes and research interests of interested scholars and has shared the same with institute officials. Spanning over three days, the conference, aims to bring research scholars and industry experts to discuss how virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence are used across the spectrums of human activity.

Kousik Mandal, presenter at ICMC 2024, said, "At ICMC'24, the career fair is a dynamic platform for young researchers to connect aspiring professionals with academic leaders. As a participant, I'm thrilled to engage with top-tier institutions around India, gaining insights and networking opportunities."

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