
Gold Lions for Bajaj V, Ariel

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Gold Lions for Bajaj V, Ariel

In all, India won seven Lions last night.


At the International Festival of Creativity 2017, Cannes, the next lot of winners was announced last night. A quick look at the seven Lions India brought home.

Creative Effectiveness

Leo Burnett has won a Gold Lion for its Bajaj V – The Nation’s Bike campaign for Bajaj Auto.

BBDO has won a Gold Lion (‘Ariel Share The Load – A social movement to remove the cultural stain of gender’) and a Silver Lion (#DadsShareTheLoad) for its famous Share the Load campaign for P&G’s Ariel.

O&M has won a
Lion for its
Beauty Tips by Reshma
campaign for Make Love Not Scars, an NGO. The campaign is a strong statement against acid attacks in India. Production firms – Hyper (New Delhi), 10 Films (Mumbai) and First December Films (Bangalore). Media firm – The Logical Indian (Bangalore).

(Unilever’s #HelpAChildReach5 campaign for Lifebuoy has fetched Singapore a Bronze Creative Effectiveness Lion; Mullen Lowe Lintas Group India has been credited for Idea Creation).

Film Craft

Bronze Lion for Nike’s Da Da Ding. The winning agency is Wieden + Kennedy. Production – Division (Paris). Media – Mindshare (New Delhi).


McCann has won a Bronze Lion for its ‘Dermaclinix – The Scientist’ campaign for Dermaclinix Hair Transplant Clinic. Content Factory, New Delhi is the production company.

O&M has won a Bronze Lion for its #NotMusicToMyEars campaign for RNW Media (Love Matters).

Cannes Lions 2017 Da da ding Beauty Tips By Reshma International Festival of Creativity BBDO Share the Load O&M McCann Nike