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Biofoot from the house of Metro Brands Limited launches #CarewithBiofoot campaign

The three-day campaign includes a specialized masterclass by renowned Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. George Ampat.

Biofoot, from the house of Metro Brands Limited, announced the launch of its foot wellness awareness campaign #CarewithBiofoot at its flagship experiential store in Colaba, Mumbai. The campaign will start on 13th April and conclude on 15th April.

The #CarewithBiofoot campaign will kick-off with an exclusive training by Dr. George Ampat, Orthopaedic Surgeon at Royal Liverpool University Hospitals, UK.  Additionally, the campaign will also witness best-in-class doctors from India attending a closed-door panel discussion with Dr. Ampat on the need for Biofoot in India, podiatry in the western world and the application of latest technology in the foot care industry.

Deepika Deepti, Senior Vice President - Marketing, Metro Brands Limited said, "The #CarewithBiofoot campaign aims to encourage the consumers to understand the health of their feet and how best suited orthotic/footwear solutions can improve the overall quality of our lives.

With seven decades of experience in shoemaking and servicing millions of Indians, Metro Brands Limited understood that each foot is unique and requires special attention. The newly launched brand Biofoot underscores this sentiment and has decided to provide a free foot scan at its flagship store.”

Commenting on the ‘foot-fit-footwear’ philosophy of Biofoot, Dr. Ampat said, “I am delighted to join Biofoot in this revolutionary campaign that focuses on raising awareness about foot health and how one’s overall health be improved by the right footwear selection. Its is time that we understand that any foot pain or discomfort one goes through is not normal and should be investigated.” 

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