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P&G highlights the biases and prejudices the black community has to suffer

It's an effort by the FMCG major to highlight the everyday injustices the black community suffers.

Racism is evil and should never be allowed to live. Unfortunately, for centuries, it has managed to survive and rear its ugly head across the world; the most prevalent of its roots, in recent memory, is in the United States.

It has seen nationwide protests against the murder of a black American George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer.

The protests weren't just on the streets but several brands have spoken in unison against racism and one of the most vocal is global FMCG major Procter & Gamble (P&G).

It's an ad film called 'The Talk' that addresses the conversations black parents have with their children to prepare them for a world filled with prejudice. From what seems like compliments but in reality, are not to what one should do in case a cop pulls them over; it's a peek into what the community has faced for a long time.

The second ad film, called 'The Look' examines bias and how it affects our perception of others, in this case, a black man. From the street to the office to a restaurant, racial bais is evil.

Before these two ads, P&G had released an ad film called 'Circumstances'. It threw a light on how the Black community will see more deaths due to the Coronavirus, and how they're worse off because of their circumstances.

As of now, lawmakers have now vowed to dismantle the Minneapolis police force to reform it.

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