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Plum begins the New Year by emphasising the need for goodness

Plum latest campaign films emphasise on celebrating Goodness with an aim to bring good times for new beginnings.

Plum, a personal care brand, has launched three campaign films to inspire people to take new steps in their lives with an element of goodness in it. Whether a new routine or a hobby, it must have an element of goodness in it.

The campaign’s core message suggests that great journeys begin with good beginnings, in mindmay that be a simple beginning of a new hobby or an entire routine . The Festival of Goodness celebration is live from January 4 to 10 on Plum's website and newly-launched app.

Shankar Prasad, founder and CEO, Plum, commented, “When we ask Plumsters as to what Plum stands for, the answer almost always is “goodness”, and goodness is something the world needs a lot more of, and especially as we look at a new year full of hope and positivity.”

To promote its campaign the brand has collaborated with over 600 content creators including beauty stalwarts who will promote the brand's idea about good beginnings.

Additionally, by donating a portion of product sales, the company promotes girl child education through its Project Blackboard initiative.

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