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Rediffusion launches BeenThereDoneThat in India

The consultancy was launched in London in 2015 with Unilever as a founding client.

Rediffusion has launched strategic and creative consultancy BeenThereDoneThat in India. The consultancy is a Networked Intelligence System powered by a connected community of 300+ of chief strategy, chief creative and chief innovation officers across 28 markets, all with over 20 years’ experience and experiences, all have literally been there done that.

BTDT is currently in talks with industry executives to head the consultancy operations in India.

“BeenThereDoneThat will harness the world’s best thinkers to solve the world’s toughest problems. As thinking has been decoupled from execution, we always provide thinking without agenda,” said Sandeep Goyal, managing director, Rediffusion.

He added that BTDT keepsproblem-solvingg at the heart of everything and believes the 3X3 principle of three thinkers generates key ideas that translate into nine actionable insights within a week.

The consultancy was launched in London in 2015 with Unilever as a founding client and a brand strategy, creative and innovation offering. Over the next three years build team and refine products, process and platform.

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