afaqs! news bureau

Tata Play's #HarTVJingalala campaign celebrates the emotional bond between viewers and television

The campaign conceptualised and developed by Chimp&Z Inc. embraces the nuances of old vs new.

Tata Play, a major distribution platform in India, recently launched a new digital campaign to mark World Television Day. The #HarTVJingalala digital campaign celebrates the lasting impact of television in bringing happiness and togetherness to families of all ages. Created by Chimp&Z Inc., the campaign embraces the contrast between the old and the new, while ensuring that Tata Play continues to provide constant entertainment in people's lives.

A television comes to life when it is connected to jingalala connections like Tata Play. The #HarTVJingalala campaign effectively portrays the sadness of an old TV set being replaced, representing the emotions of someone who has been a part of a family for a long time but must bid farewell. On the other hand, the new advanced TV set celebrates new beginnings by promising to offer more vibrant and enjoyable entertainment. The conversation between the two sets reveals a range of emotions, from personal camaraderie to unspoken expressions of affection, to collective cheers that fill the room. The old, discarded television imparts its wisdom to the new set being installed in the house, while the new set radiates with excitement, knowing that it can easily be connected to Tata Play to recreate the same joyful experience as before. The film concludes with a surprising twist, where both television sets find a place in the same home, highlighting the convenience of installation and the ability to have multiple connections with Tata Play.The campaign was released on Monday across Tata Play’s social media handles. #

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