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The Advertising Council of India announces the second AFAA New Age Leadership Program

ACI is conducting this program on behalf of Asian Federation of Advertising Associations (AFAA) in India.

After a resounding success in its first edition last year, the Advertising Council of India (ACI) has announced its second edition of New Age Leadership Program for young professionals. ACI is part of Asian Federation of Advertising Associations, an institution that addresses the interests of marketing communications across Asia. ACI is conducting this program on behalf of AFAA in India.

AFAA chairman Srinivasan Swamy says, "This is an immersive, experiential and transformative program where 25 young professionals below the age of 35 are taken to companies in Mumbai and Pune and surrounding areas over three nights/four days schedule under the watchful eye of the experienced Proctor Manish Advani and exposed to different kinds of industries and different industry leaders. The resultant brainstorming takes the young professionals to a different level of competence and leadership skills altogether. In addition to Indian participants, the second edition would have some international young professionals too to add to the peer group learning. Incidentally the entire program will be conducted free of charge to all the 25 participants, as our way of showing what an industry Association can do, to create fine future leaders in our country.”

Aspiring professionals need to immediately write in (before June 15, 2024) to along with the filled in application form that can be downloaded from Short-listed professionals would be interviewed virtually and the final 25 participants would join the program in the morning of July 18 in Mumbai. This will be a residential program where the participants will spend three nights in Pune. A detailed brochure on the program can be downloaded from

The ACI is a nodal body that has as its members’ The Advertising Club, the Advertising Agencies Association of India, the India Chapter of the IAA, the Indian Society of Advertisers and the Indian Broadcasting and Digital Foundation.

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