, the Twitter tool re-launched by Edelman, helps brands to measure their influence on
If the Twitter influence measurement tool named is to be believed, Vodafone is one the most influential telecom brands on Twitter, compared to other leading telecom service providers such as Airtel, Idea Cellular, Aircel and Tata Docomo, as on July 27., which has been recently revamped and re-launched by the independent public relations firm Edelman, calculates the level of influence a person or brand possesses on Twitter. The influence score is measured on a scale of 1 to 100, with 100 as the most influential score. According to the information available on, the tool takes into account about 40 parameters to arrive at the final influence score.
For instance, it tracks the number of followers of a user/brand and the number of people a user is following. analyses the content curated by a user (last 30 days) to understand how much an individual creates 'engaging content', as opposed to simply broadcasting his opinion. It figures out the total number of updates and measures the frequency of posts (how often a user posts updates on Twitter). It identifies how many people engage in conversations with an individual or point to his name. also monitors the 'Twitter Lists' curated by the user/brand, counts the number of lists a user/brand is included in and the number of people that follow these lists.
It is important to note that only measures the influence of a brand on, while, which is another major tool used by brands, is a broader tool to find out influence on social media. It incorporates data from Facebook and LinkedIn accounts of a user or brand to arrive at the influence score.