The beverage brand has latched onto two fresh faces from Bollyland...
Now that the internet has been hit hard by a tsunami of V-day themed mush for almost a week now, scrolling through your insta-feed feels like quite a task. It's getting too mush, oops, much.
On the other hand, single folks are busy scrolling for and posting 'who needs love?' type memes to make their presence felt. A bit too much contrasting imagery after a long, tiring day at work? We hear you! But brands don't. Not yet, at least.
Look what we spotted on Pepsi's Instagram page. These are two mini videos that took social media by storm yesterday.
Disha captioned her picture: ‘Someone popped the question, and I said yes’, while Tiger’s post had the caption ‘Turns out I’m taken’.
The posts soon got a #PlotTwist when both of them revealed the identity of their true love - beverage brand Pepsi. Disha declared her love for the brand through a post which said “I’m all yours”,while Tiger confessed he couldn’t get enough of the brand’s swag.