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SBI General onboards 1702 Digital to strengthen digital presence

The partnership aims to enhance visibility and accessibility through SEO and ASO to maintain satisfaction and leadership.

SBI General Insurance, one of India’s insurance providers, has taken a leap forward in enhancing its digital footprint by partnering with 1702 Digital, a SEO and ASO service provider.

This collaboration aims to bolster SBI General’s online visibility and accessibility, ensuring a seamless experience for customers seeking insurance solutions.

The partnership aims to improve the visibility of SBI General Insurance across search engines and app stores, ensuring that the company's offerings are more easily discoverable by potential customers.

By leveraging advanced SEO techniques and ASO strategies, SBI General Insurance aims to enhance its online visibility, drive organic traffic, and ultimately, facilitate greater customer engagement.

Commenting on this, Samrat Ghosh at SBI General Insurance, stated, “We are thrilled to welcome 1702 Digital as our new partner, marking a significant leap forward in our digital journey. By leveraging the latest SEO and ASO techniques, we are committed to enhancing user experience and accessibility for both existing and prospective customers.”

1702 Digital brings experience and a proven track record in delivering digital solutions, making them the ideal partner for SBI General’s digital transformation journey. Through data-driven insights and techniques, the collaboration between SBI General and 1702 Digital is poised to set new benchmarks in the insurance industry.

"Our focus has always been on delivering value to our customers through innovative solutions," added Amit Panhale, CBO at 1702 Digital. "With the implementation of SEO and ASO services, we are confident in our ability to elevate the digital experience for our clients, enabling them to make informed decisions and access our products and services seamlessly."

As SBI General continues to innovate and adapt to evolving consumer preferences, this partnership with 1702 Digital marks a milestone in its digital evolution. By harnessing the power of SEO and ASO, SBI General is primed to reach new heights in customer satisfaction and market leadership.

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