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Patches people wished came true

Here’s how SOFY's April Fool's campaign sparked a buzz with its playful take on solving period woes.

Low vibes, unwelcome cramps, and weird cravings are just a few of the add-ons that come with periods. So, every girl out there relates to wanting their flow to feel like any other day.

SOFY understood the assignment.

Cut to SOFY dropping its ground-breaking new launch – Happy Patches.

The buzz began at the end of March when the teaser went live on Instagram. And once the launch video went live, there were girls all over the net commenting on their period wishes coming true. These funky feel-good patches were portrayed to be a ‘revolutionary’ new product made to blow away period blues. Giving you regular dopamine hits, keeping you refreshed with Freshocool® Tech, and cancelling cravings and cramps, SOFY Happy Patches made the case for a legitimate product, trying to solve a real problem.

And then the DMs exploded.

SOFY reached over 10 million people and had over 7 million views. More than 1 lac shared their point of view about the SOFY Happy Patches and shifted the conversation from the physical discomfort of periods to the emotional challenges during it. All this in just 48 hours!

It was an April Fool’s prank that struck a real chord.

Toshiyuki Nakamura, marketing head for SOFY, said, “When we were thinking of what women want, the team fell in love with the thought of this magical product. We were just having fun but never expected people to engage so much. Totally pumped with the response.”

Well, it might not be real for now. But now that it's known every girl out there can’t wait to stick on a Happy Patch, SOFY will do its best to make them happen one day.

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