The bi-monthly parenting magazine has been launched for parents of school-going children.
A new parenting magazine has hit the newsstands. Titled ParentEdge, this bi-monthly magazine is for parents of school-going children within the age group of 4-18 years.
The English magazine was launched on July 5, with a controlled circulation. The magazine has been launched with an initial print run of 10,000 copies from Bengaluru. Going forward, as the magazine is introduced in other cities, it will increase its print run.
ParentEdge has a cover price of Rs 100. On an average, the magazine will have 60 pages of content. It is published by Prayag Consulting, a marketing solution provider.
Sudha Kumar, chief executive officer, Prayag Consulting, says, "The magazine aims to expose parents to global trends in learning, who can then adapt them according to their personal requirements. This will help parents be aware of the growing choices children have today."
Since parents have an important role to play in shaping their children's future, ParentEdge has been based on the premise that learning is a continuous process and needs to happen as much out of school as within it.
The content mix of the magazine will include expertspeak, insights from contemporary research, anecdotes from parents and viewpoints of children. The cover stories of the magazine will explore themes close to parents' hearts and minds -- the latest in parenting and child development techniques, and the different types of curriculum, from kindergarten to senior school.
After Bengaluru, the magazine will be available in Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad and Mumbai.
Set up in 2001, Prayag Consulting provides comprehensive marketing solutions for companies in the technology vertical. In 2007, Prayag diversified to work with educational institutes. This is its first magazine.