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The Kolkata-based ad agency is scheduled to launch the online magazine on August 1.
Kolkata-based ad agency Mad Angles is all set to launch a magazine titled The Wall Magazine on August 1. The magazine will initially be an online version; later, the company plans to launch a print version of the title.
Talking about the magazine, Arnab Sen, owner, Mad Angles, says, "Walls have always been the most expressive and equally informative place in each era in the history of time. From childhood to the good old days of life, our perspective changes towards how we look and explore the walls around us, surrounding us or breaking apart near us. From wall-posters to wall-arts, wall-colours to wall-decor, wall-announcements to wall magazines, we have explored, got-scared, got amazed and sometimes laughed out loud. Adopting this sense of mediation, The Wall Magazine came into existence."
It will be a free online magazine whose main source of revenue will come from ad space selling. The Wall Magazine has an online portal on which the magazine will be available for viewing. The media house is also developing an android app for the magazine. It is targeted at English speaking people in the age group of 15-65 years. Sen shares that six months down the line, the company plans to launch the magazine in Hindi and Bengali.
To promote The Wall Magazine, the company will initially focus on social media marketing and after three months of its launch, it will launch various on ground activities spanning coffee chains, bookstores and others.