Delhi’s young voters, aged 18-26 years, are aware, active and engaged around Delhi Polls as the poll fever reaches its peak in the capital. A study by The 23 Watts Insights Studio took a quick dive into the minds of the GenZers in the capital as the countdown to Delhi’s polls intensifies. The study, titled “GenZer’sTryst with Polls” reveals the young voters’ political awareness, priorities, and the factors influencing their voting choices.
“GenZer’sTryst with Polls”- Delhi Edition provides insights into voting behaviour amongst the GenZer voters in Delhi. A significant majority of respondents (71%) indicated that they have voted/intend to vote in elections. The study also revealed notable barriers affecting their ability to vote where 16% reported that they do not vote because they lack a voting ID, while 7.7% who have a voting ID, choose not to vote. Another 5.1% do not vote because they believe their vote will not make a difference.
The study also spotlights factors that influence voting decisions among the young voters. ‘Party Manifesto’ came out as the most influential factor, with 66% indicating that voters prioritise the policies and promises outlined by the party. ‘Candidate's Credibility’, with 62% ayes, is also a significant factor, suggesting that voters value trustworthiness and the reputation of the individual running for office. ‘Peer Influence’, surprisingly accounted for only 19% of respondents, making it a less impactful factor among, suggesting that while social circles can affect decisions, they are not as decisive in this upcoming Delhi Elections.
Some highlights of the report reveal interesting insights like
7 in 10 GenZers turn up to vote consistently, with 71% having participated in past elections.
88% are aware of the candidates from their constituency
66% of respondents choose their leaders based on the party’s manifesto, while for 62% the candidates’ credibility matters
74% believe that freebies matter and influences votes around the elections
Almost 2/3rd of Delhi GenZers seems to be not plugged into the Polls Hyperbole by political parties, while 37% say that Polls Marketing is all about the money spent
For GenZers, Women Safety (85%) in the city is a top priority, followed by Unemployment (60%) and Pollution (56%).
A large chunk of respondents, 44% consider Delhi’s Law and Order to be poor.
More than half of the respondents (53%) polled believe media is biased. 35% of them consider social media as their primary source of information, 26% look to independent blogs and websites.
Talking about the study, “GenZer’s Tryst with Polls”, Tarundeep Singh, lead, The 23 Watts Insights Studio, said, “Contrary to popular belief, young voters in Delhi are well-informed, engaged, and eager to make a difference in the upcoming elections. As a digitally native generation, they rely on social media and independent blogs for information, which has significantly enhanced their awareness of candidates and party manifestos. Not only are Gen Z voters informed, but they are also deeply committed to the electoral process. They are prioritizing a safer environment for women, greater job opportunities, and cleaner air, making it clear that their vote is driven by issues that shape their future.”