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8 in 10 Urban Indians believe Circa 2022 will be better than 2021: Ipsos Predictions 2022 Survey

A mixed bag predicted - Economy will emerge stronger; prices will increase faster than people’s incomes; more will live in virtual worlds

Ipsos global Predictions 2022 Survey in 33 markets among 22,023 adults shows majority of urban Indians (80 per cent) and global citizens (77 per cent) are optimistic of the prospects for 2022, predicting it to be a better year than 2021.

Good Predictions for 2022 – Positive - Economy, Society, COVID19

8 in 10 urban Indians (80 per cent) and 61 per cent of the global citizens polled predict the economy to emerge stronger in 2022. The markets most optimistic were China (87 per cent), India (80 per cent), and Saudi Arabia (79 per cent). The least optimistic were Turkey (40 per cent), Belgium (44 per cent) and Russia (45 per cent).

Further, there is optimism around city centers getting busy again with life limping back to normalcy around people getting back to offices again – 7 in 10 agree globally (71 per cent), India has 3 in 4 agreeing (74 per cent) and interestingly, all 33 markets have more number of respondents feeling optimistic – markets at the top were China (87 per cent), Malaysia (86 per cent), Netherlands (81 per cent) and Israel (80 per cent).

While most global citizens disagree, at least 6 in 10 Urban Indians (60 per cent) expect people to get more tolerant towards each other in 2022. Markets that expect this more likely to happen, were China (83 per cent), Malaysia (66 per cent).

Vaxx Jabs – More than 80 per cent of the global population will receive at least one dose of COVID19 vaccine has about polarisation of views among global citizens (56 per cent agree) and the markets that agreed most included Peru (81 per cent), China (80 per cent), Malaysia (79 per cent), Brazil (76 per cent), India (75 per cent) and Mexico (75 per cent). Markets agreeing least were Hungary (29 per cent), Poland (33 per cent) and Germany (33 per cent).

Commenting on the findings of the survey, Amit Adarkar, CEO, Ipsos India said, "Most respondents are optimistic of the bright prospects for 2022 and expect the economy to grow, vaccination drive to accelerate and cover majority of population and further they expect tolerance levels to improve. Full recovery is still a long way off and Omicron surge could spoil the party if stern measures of isolation, vaccination and other protocols are not taken to stop the spread."

Key trends emerging in 2022

People could fly less than they did in 2019: 45 per cent global citizens polled hold this view; India showed polarized views with 1 in 2 (52 per cent) agreeing; Markets agreeing most were China (68 per cent), Singapore (67 per cent) and Malaysia (66 per cent). And markets agreeing least were Belgium (27 per cent), Saudi Arabia (29 per cent), Colombia (34 per cent), South Korea (35 per cent) and Netherlands (35 per cent).

Prices will outpace people’s incomes is the perception of most global citizens (75 per cent). Markets agreeing most were Russia (88 per cent), Chile (85 per cent), Netherlands (85 per cent), Romania (85 per cent) and Colombia (84 per cent). India had at least 2 in 3 agreeing (68 per cent). Market agreeing least was Japan (33 per cent).

A lot more people will live their lives in virtual worlds was the view of at least 57 per cent of global citizens polled and 6 in 10 Urban Indians (60 per cent); markets agreeing most were Turkey (77 per cent), Malaysia (75 per cent), Brazil (74 per cent), Poland (72 per cent) and Singapore (72 per cent). Markets agreeing the least were Japan (18 per cent), China (33 per cent) and Saudi Arabia (36 per cent).

Strict rules for large technology companies could be introduced by the govt, expect China (74 per cent), India (64 per cent), Malaysia (59 per cent) and Singapore (57 per cent) most.

More extreme weather events could take place in 2022 feel 6 in 10 global citizens; India had 62 per cent predicting. Markets most wary of adverse weather events taking place were Netherlands (72 per cent), Great Britain (69 per cent), Australia (68 per cent) and Italy (68 per cent). Saudi Arabia (27 per cent) had least expecting it to happen.

A rogue AI program that can’t be shutdown and could cause global havoc – 27 per cent global citizens feared it could happen in 2022 ; markets agreeing most were Malaysia (56 per cent), India (46 per cent) and Turkey (43 per cent). Markets agreeing least were Hungary (15 per cent), Sweden (16 per cent), Netherlands (18 per cent), Denmark (18 per cent) and Canada (18 per cent).

"Price will outpace incomes and escapism in the virtual world will grow, also strict laws for large tech companies by govt could happen are some of the predictions. Inflation, binge watching of content will be carry forwarded to 2022, believe most," added Adarkar.

Other Predictions

There were predictions around the stock market crash, natural disaster, global IT shutdown due to hacking by a foreign govt., use of nuclear weapons, asteroid hitting the Earth, Aliens visiting the Earth etc.

Circa 2021 was a bad year for most!

77 per cent of global citizens and 73 per cent of urban Indians claim 2021 was a bad year for their country. Countries endorsing this view most were Romania (89 per cent), South Korea (89 per cent) and Spain (89 per cent). Markets agreeing least were China (41 per cent) and Saudi Arabia (48 per cent).

2021 was also a bad year for them and their families. 58 per cent of global citizens and 63 per cent of Indians agreed. And the markets that held this view most were South Africa (77 per cent), South Korea (74 per cent) and Turkey (74 per cent). And the markets least impacted were China (39 per cent), Sweden (40 per cent) and Netherlands (42 per cent).

2022 Goals

3 in 4 global citizens (75 per cent) and 4 in 5 urban Indians (80 per cent) have resolved to do specific things for themselves and others in 2022. Markets holding this view most were - China (96 per cent), Colombia (93 per cent), Mexico (92 per cent) and Peru (92 per cent). And agreeing least were Sweden (23 per cent) and Japan (44 per cent).

"The verdict is out. 2021 was a bad year for countries, individuals and their families. Citizens polled are going to prioritize themselves and work with their communities as they step into a spanking new year," Adarkar said.

(Hero Image by Olya Kobruseva from Pexels)

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