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Flipkart's GPS-tagged soan papdi takes a festive tour in deal-filled Diwali campaign

The festive campaign has started a quirky exchange: pass the soan papdi and unlock daily deals, or keep it and lose out on special offers.

When it comes to Diwali sweets, soan papdi is the first thing that comes to mind. It is a kind of tradition now where people play ‘passing the parcel’ with soan papdi boxes. It has become the official gift for the festive season and social media is flooded with soan papdi memes.

In a hilarious twist on the classic tradition, Flipkart's 'Passing the Soan papdi' campaign is making waves on the internet. The e-commerce giant has introduced a GPS-tracked soan papdi box being delivered to random customers around the country. The campaign aims to promote Flipkart’s ‘Big Diwali Sale' from November 2 to November 11.

The deal is simple- If the receiver passes the soan papdi box to someone else, the brand will unlock an exclusive deal for a day and if someone decides to keep it, the brand will not entertain any special offers. It's a win-win situation for soan papdi haters and people are actively engaging with it. The post has reached more than 136000 viewers.

The innovative campaign, capitalising on the ‘beloved’ Soan Papdi's association with Diwali, has captured attention both online and on the streets. With witty headlines on out-of-home advertisements, the brand is leaving no stone unturned to pique curiosity.

It all started when a X user shared a photo of Flipkart's billboard saying, 'Today, someone in Mumbai will receive soan papdi'.

To keep track of the journey, Flipkart has even launched a dedicated page- Big Diwali Sale Papdi.

Flipkart's GPS-tagged soan papdi takes a festive tour in deal-filled Diwali campaign

Every day, the brand unveils exciting deals as part of the campaign, ranging from 60-80% discounts on ethnic wear, sports shoes, and sneakers to top deals and extra discounts on TV, earphones and much more. Till now, the soan papdi box has traversed bustling cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Panchkula, Lucknow and Patna.

Indeed, soan papdi has become the star of Diwali marketing for Flipkart.

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