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This is the first-of-its-kind activation executed by the agency on World Toilet Day, with a giant Western Commode (WC) installation put up in Delhi.
According to the United Nations website, around 2.4 billion people in the world do not have adequate sanitation facilities even as one billion people still defecate in the open. To raise awareness about the same, the UN declared November 19 as World Toilet Day, to stress upon the fact that a large number of people in the world do not have access to a toilet, despite the fact that it is a human right to have clean water and sanitation. This, in turn, leads to an upsurge in cases of disease and malnutrition. The provision of proper toilets could save many lives.
Working on the same insight, Madison IES, the activation and experiential unit of Madison OOH and Madison World, partnered with ROCA Bathroom Products to execute a first-ever on-ground activation on the occasion of World Toilet Day on November 19 at DLF Place Mall, Saket, New Delhi. The day-long event was aimed at creating awareness about the importance of World Toilet Day. This was done by generating curiosity through a unique, giant western commode (WC) installation that was put up at the mall. The activity also aimed at propagating Prime Minister Narendra Modi's 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan'.
Speaking about the activation, Saumen Roy, vice-president and head, Madison IES, says, "People generally hesitate to have a discussion on such a private topic as a toilet; but, this activation succeeded in breaking this taboo. It inspired, motivated and educated those present to talk, discuss, inspire and sensitise others about the need to have proper sanitation for all. Moreover, we were all really delighted that we could pull off the project, from idea to execution, in just three days."