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When 'Building Uncle' advised CRED's Kunal Shah

The uncle was surprised when he heard the number of reward points he would earn for paying an Rs. 100 credit card bill.

One of the most common sights at any society is the 'building uncle'. Yes, the guy who knows everything and everyone and now has tons of free time because of the lockdown. Work from home has got him glued to the window so that he can, with his hawklike vision, spy on everything that is happening; who's coming inside, who's going out, who has ordered what...

We all know one such building uncle but none is as famous the one stand up comedian Rahul Subramanian performs in his hilarious series on social media, you guessed it, 'Building Uncles'.

You will see that he's caught one particular aspect of the character in each of his sketches. Be it keeping an eye on who's coming inside the society to how much work he's doing, Subramanian has caught the finest aspects of the building uncle.

His recent one, a partnership with CRED, caught our eye. CRED is a platform that rewards you for paying your credit card bills and was founded by Kunal Shah. And in the sketch, we see building uncle advise the entrepreneur.

Building uncle tries to understand CRED, compares it with his son in America, and also advises Shah to start job hunting because after listening to the amount of reward points CRED offers per credit card bill payment, building uncle remarks that Shah will have to shut down his company and search for a corporate job.

When 'Building Uncle' advised CRED's Kunal Shah

And if that was not enough, Kunal Shah's comment on LinkedIn won the day when he asked for leads on a new apartment. Not only did the sketch lead many to discover CRED but also was one of the better examples of influencer marketing done right.

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