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Huella Services ropes in new regional directors to boost regional growth and reach

Appointments include Kalyan Chakraborty, Ketaki Hardikar, and Kush Kapoor heading the south, west, and north zones, respectively.

Huella Services, a player in digital ad sales monetisation market, is announcing a revamp of its leadership team with the induction of three industry veterans as regional directors. This move will amplify regional accountability and deliver an integrated approach to maximising market share for brands and advertisers.

Kush Kapoor steps in as the regional director for North India. With over 12 years of sales experience, Kush has transitioned from hospitality to digital ad sales. His tenure at Ventes Avenues, where he spearheaded brand monetisation, positions him as a formidable asset to Huella.

Kalyan Chakraborty, or KC, takes the helm as regional director for South India. KC brings a 12-year track record in digital ad sales, enriched by his tenure with Times Internet and Indian Express. Known for his innovative, solution-driven strategies, KC is poised to lead Huella’s southern operations to new heights.

Ketaki Hardikar joins as the regional director for West India. A luminary in TV sales within the news genre, Ketaki has worked with CNBC and Republic TV. Although she is new to digital, her expertise in the BFSI sector and direct client engagement will bring fresh, powerful perspectives to Huella.

Mayura Nayak, CRO of Huella Services, expressed her excitement about the new additions, saying, "We’re thrilled to welcome Kush, Kalyan, and Ketaki to our leadership team. Their exceptional backgrounds and industry insights will be pivotal in turbocharging our regional strategies and delivering unparalleled value to our clients and partners."

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