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Average ad volume per channel per match increased by 20% in IPL 17 compared to IPL 16: TAM Reports

Ad volumes in IPL 17 season recovered after a 50% decrease in IPL 16 compared to the previous year.

The average number of advertising minutes per channel per game grew by 20% in the Indian Premier League that ended on May 26, 2024, compared to IPL 16.

As per the Commercial Advertising Report by TAM Sports, a branch of TAM Media Research, advertising volumes increased in this season following a 50% decline in IPL 16 compared to the year before.

The eliminator game in IPL 17 saw the biggest increase when compared to the same game in IPL 16. The volume of indexed ads increased in every phase of IPL 17 when compared to equivalent phases of IPL 16, as indicated.

The analysis reviewed the amount of advertisements shown on 25 channels during IPL 17 and 26 channels during IPL 16. The research was carried out on every live game in IPL Season 17 and 16 specifically, without including matches before, during, or after those seasons.

The report shows that there was a 40% increase in categories, a 26% increase in advertisers, and a 21% increase in brands during IPL 17 compared to IPL 16. Pan Masala was the top category in IPL 17 and IPL 16, while online gaming dropped to third place in IPL 17 compared to its second place position in the previous season.

In IPL 17, 43% of total ad volume was represented by the top five categories, down from 52% in IPL 16. The report showed that Parle Products took the lead in advertising with a 10% share this year, surpassing Dream 11 from the previous season.

In total, this year saw over 30 additional categories compared to IPL 16, along with more than 10 categories that were absent in IPL 17 compared to IPL 16. Sporta Technologies, K P Pan Foods, and Vishnu Packaging were three of the top five advertisers who were present in both this year's season and the previous year.

"Range of Food Products' was the most popular category among the new ones, with securities/share broking organisation coming in second place. Furthermore, this year, the most favoured advertisements during commercial breaks were 11 - 20 second ads, with ads less than 10 seconds coming in second place. Ads lasting more than 40 seconds had just a 0.1 % share of ad insertion.

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