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Burger King, to lure meat lovers to its plant-based Whopper, masquerades close-up shots of veggies as meat

Cooked by David Madrid, the print and outdoor campaign is hilariously misleading.

You’d be forgiven if you thought you were looking at zoomed-in shots of meats used in Burger King’s burgers and sandwiches. You were hilariously misled. They are, in fact, peppers, beetroots, and radicchio, masquerading as meats.

A brainchild of creative agency David Madrid, it, on Instagram, says that many people won’t succeed in distinguishing Burger King’s Whopper from its plant-based version. The aim was clear — lure the meat lovers towards this plant-based offering.

Read the copy at the bottom of the ad and you will find Burger King apologising to meat lovers for its deception only after planting the seeds of its plant-based burgers in their minds.

Burger King first launched the plant-based version of its Whopper in 2019. Called “Impossible Whopper”, it was developed with Impossible Foods, an American company that develops plant-based substitutes for meat.

The Impossible Whopper is not available in India and not many fast-food outlets sell such burgers or food items. The exceptions are Burgrill’s ‘Green Meat Pounder’ and Domino’s Pizza’s ‘The Unthinkable Pizza’. On the other hand, a slew of Ready-to-Cook brands have doled out plant-based meat offerings in India. Some of the brands include Urban Platter, Good Dot, Vezlay, Beyond Meat, among others.

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