afaqs! news bureau

'Saadgi', a silent film by bigbasket, honours the enduring beauty of love

Humour Me's silent film tells the story of a couple's life, emphasising the importance of small moments and love's role in our lives.

In celebration of Valentine’s Day, bigbasket, a TATA Enterprise, has launched its latest digital film, 'Saadgi', encapsulating the timeless and eternal essence of love. Directed to resonate with audiences of all ages, 'Saadgi' serves as a reminder that life is fleeting, urging viewers to cherish the simple, everyday moments that add depth and richness to our existence.

The silent film, produced by Humour Me, narrates the lifelong journey of a couple, emphasising the significance of little moments and the essential role that love plays in our lives.

Speaking about the film, Arun Jayaraman, head of marketing , bigbasket, shared, "At bigbasket, we understand that life's most precious moments are made up of the little things. What we have brought forth is not just a film; it is a tribute to the joy found in the simplicity of daily life. We hope this film resonates with our customers, inspiring them to appreciate and celebrate the love that exists in their everyday routines. We are enabling them to do so by ensuring that they focus on love while we provide them essentials at their doorstep.”

The narrative follows the couple from their early days of making breakfast together, sharing a cup of tea, to nurturing a plant that grows alongside their love. The wife, in a touching gesture, compiles a daily list of essentials, slipping it into her husband's pocket. These seemingly mundane activities become the building blocks of a life filled with love, connection, and shared moments.

As the film progresses, the couple ages together, facing life's ups and downs hand in hand. The story takes a poignant turn as the wife passes away, leaving behind memories and a profound message. The film concludes with the powerful tagline, ‘We'll deliver the essentials, you deliver the love,’ highlighting bigbasket's commitment to providing quality essentials to customers while emphasising the importance of love in our daily lives.

Saadgi is a testament to the enduring power of love and its ability to transcend time and circumstance. The film leaves audiences with a quote: "It is the little things in life that make life grand.”

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