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Mobocracy appoints Leena Sharma as chief operating officer

Mobocracy deals with research-on-mobile, quality-checks via mobile and consumer groups based on targeted profiles.

Mobocracy, a full-service mobile advertising agency dealing with mobile strategy, mobile-solutions, enriched targeting and programmatic advertising, has appointed Leena Sharma as its chief operating officer. Mobocracy also looks at research-on-mobile, quality-checks via mobile and consumer groups based on targeted profiles.

Mobocracy appoints Leena Sharma as chief operating officer
Mobocracy appoints Leena Sharma as chief operating officer
Commenting on the appointment, Tanya Goyal, executive director, Mogae says, "Being pioneers and fore-runners in mobile advertising in India since 2011, and because of our keen understanding of mobile apertures and applications, we felt more and more clients need help with managing mobile communications. We launched Mobocracy at full throttle in March this year. And Leena Sharma was the natural choice to lead this new agency, as she has shaped and delivered over 200 campaigns for the best of brands over the last two years at Mogae. She understands advertising, and understands the mobile medium."

One of Mobocracy's first assignment was the pre-embed of the Hotstar app for Star TV.

"It is the largest pre-embed ever in India, and running across 10 top OEs including Micromax, Karbonn, Lava ..." explains Leena. "We are also pioneering products like i-SMS which will change the face of consumer research. And creating a she-radio, and a multi-brand rural radio, and more. Our TagDash product with Twitter is already making waves. We have executed campaigns for HUL, Aircel, CNBC and others too. There is lots of traction in the mobile space. I have 2-3 invites a week at Mobocracy already.", she adds further

Mogae Media, the holding company of Mobocracy, is co-promoted by Sandeep and Tanya Goyal, former JV partners of Dentsu in India, Mogae is the sole-and-exclusive partner of Airtel for mAdvertising. Mogae raised Rs 100 crores last year from Renuka Ramnath's Multiples PE.

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