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Elon Musk unveils plans for massive supercomputer to boost AI startup xAI

With this, Musk aims to compete with AI industry giants like Microsoft, Google, Meta, and various startups such as Anthropic and Stability AI.

Elon Musk has announced plans to build a large-scale supercomputer, "gigafactory of compute," to support his artificial intelligence startup, xAI. According to a report by The Information, this supercomputer will incorporate 100,000 Nvidia chips and is slated to be operational by fall 2025. 

Musk assured investors that he is personally committed to ensuring the project's timely completion.

The proposed supercomputer is expected to be "at least four times the size of the largest GPU clusters currently in existence," including those used by Meta for AI model training, Musk reportedly stated. 

This ambitious project highlights Musk's intention to compete with AI industry giants like Microsoft, Google, Meta, and various startups such as Anthropic and Stability AI.

Musk co-founded OpenAI in 2015 but left in 2018, later criticizing the company's shift towards profitability under CEO Sam Altman's leadership. In March, Musk filed a lawsuit against OpenAI, alleging it had deviated from its original non-profit mission of making AI research widely accessible.

OpenAI has dismissed Musk's lawsuit, suggesting his actions stem from dissatisfaction following his departure.

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