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Hindi news dominates TV news ad revenue with 17% share between Jul-Sep 2023: TAM AdEx

Reckitt India was the biggest advertiser on TV news during Jul-Sept'23, with a 7% share of ad volumes.

In its quarterly (Jul-Sep 2023) report on advertising in the TV news genre, TAM AdEx found out that Hindi news channels continue to command the highest share of TV news ad revenue, accounting for 17% of total ad volumes in the quarter.

While TV ad volumes in the news genre witnessed growth in Apr-Jun'23 and Jul-Sept'23 by 7% and 1%, respectively, compared to Jan-Mar'23, there was a 7% de-growth observed in Jul-Sept'23 compared to the same period in the previous year.

In the subgenre category, Hindi news led the way, commanding a 17% share of ad volumes during Jul-Sept'23. The top 5 channel subgenres, Bengali (12%), Telugu (9%), Hindi regional (9%), Assam (9%), and Tamil news(8%), collectively accounted for 54% share of ad volumes during the same period.

The top categories of news advertisers included cars, toilet soap, corporate/brand image, and toothpaste. Additionally, the cars category claimed the 1st position during Jul-Sept'23, showing a significant rise from its 2nd position in Apr-Jun'23.

The top 10 categories collectively added 27% share of ad volumes in Jul-Sept'23. Reckitt Benckiser (India) claimed the top spot among advertisers in Jul-Sept'23, with a 7% share of ad volumes. The top 10 advertisers collectively added a 24% share of ad volumes in the same period.

Lalithaa Jewellery continued to be the leading brand in the news genre during Jul-Sept'23, maintaining its 1st position. Out of the top 10 brands, three belonged to Reckitt Benckiser (India) in Jul-Sept'23.

The leading sector in the news genre was 'Services,' commanding a 15% share of ad volumes. 'Services' and 'Food & Beverages' sectors retained their 1st and 2nd positions during Jul-Sept'23 compared to Apr-Jun'23.

The report also highlighted the top-growing categories, with 'Mortgage Loans' experiencing the highest increase in ad spends, boasting a remarkable growth of 55%. 'Cellular Phones-Smart Phones' witnessed the highest growth percentage of 5 times during Jul-Sept'23. The 'Mortgage Loans' category had the highest increase in ad spends, with a remarkable growth of 55%. Overall, 180+ categories registered positive growth, reflecting a dynamic advertising landscape.

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