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The advertising revenue for the quarter stood at Rs 323.77 crore as compared to Rs 339.10 crore for the same quarter in FY2023.
Sun TV Network, a television broadcaster in India that operates satellite television channels across seven languages—Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bangla, Marathi, and Hindi, has announced its earnings report for the quarter and financial year ended June 30, 2024.
The revenue for the quarter stood at Rs 1,276.11 crore against Rs 1,317.78 crore for the corresponding quarter ending June 30, 2023. The advertisement revenue for the quarter was at Rs 323.77 crore as against Rs 339.10 crore for the corresponding quarter ended June, 2023.
The domestic subscription for the quarter was at Rs 425.79 crore as against Rs 435.34 crore for the corresponding quarter last year. The EBITDA for the quarter ended June 30, 2024 was at Rs 706.36 crore as against Rs 786.46 crore for the corresponding quarter ended June 30, 2023. The Profit after taxes for the current quarter stood at Rs 546.94 crore as against Rs 582.80 crore in the corresponding quarter ended June 30, 2023.
At the Board Meeting held today, the Board of Directors have declared an Interim Dividend of Rs 5.00 per share (100 %) on a face value of Rs 5.00 per share.