Aditya Chatterjee

MTNL empanels SSC&B Lintas, Sobhagya & Pressman

The account size is pegged at Rs 40 crore

Telecom major MTNL has signed on SSC&B Lintas, Sobhagya and Pressman as its creative agencies following a two-month long pitch.

SSC&B Lintas will provide an “integrated marketing strategy” for a complete brand building exercise, confirmed Ashish Bhasin, the agency's president.

The size of the account is said to be around Rs 40 crore, with SSCB& Lintas emerging as the primary claimant to the goody bag.

The fine print for the project is still being worked out, said Bhasin. “It's time that MTNL as a brand got its due and our job will be to make sure it happens,” said Bhasin. The final pitch was preceded by a tender notice and an elaborate pitch, following which the agencies were selected.

The task before the agencies is to position the brand in the context of the dynamic telecom sector. “We being specialists in strategy and creatives. Let me assure you that the communication will not be predictable at all,” promised Bhasin.

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