Tuhina Anand

Mudra’s Kapil Dhawan, Arnab Chatterjee get double entries at One Show Rx

Instead of a formal awards show, this year, One Club has decide to hold an exhibition of selected entries, which will be held at The One Show Gallery on November 30

Kapil Dhawan and Arnab Chatterjee, creative directors with Mudra, have got two creatives selected for One Show Rx for their work on Dabur’s Shilajit Gold.

The first creative is a campaign for the natural aphrodisiac, Dabur Shilajit. The second entry is a single ad for the same product.

Instead of a formal awards show, this year, One Club has decided to have an exhibition of selected entries, which will be held at The One Show Gallery on November 30. One Show Rx recognises the best creatives in the pharmaceutical advertising category.

This year, there were approximately 4,000 entries, out of which 107 have been shortlisted. The winning entries will also be published in the annual One Show Rx book.

Awards and accolades do matter to any creative professional, and Dhawan is no exception. He says, “As a creative person, you need recognition and winning an award is a yardstick to measure that. Recognition such as received at One Show Rx helps in showcasing one’s work in the international arena. New York is considered the capital of advertising and having our work displayed there means a lot to us.”

Chatterjee echoes the same sentiments and says, “When you work, you look for appreciation, and if it comes in the form of awards, it really matters.”

He adds, “The work was a visually interesting pun, which is expressed in a simple manner.” Dhawan says, “The surprise element in the advertisement makes the idea interesting and that is probably why it succeeded.”

The duo acknowledge the support they got from their seniors, Ryan Menezes, national creative director, and Ullas Chopra, the Delhi creative head, Mudra.

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