Rachit Vats

Bates Enterprise bags Genesis Color’s upcoming fashion brand

Genesis Color plans to launch a fashion brand. Bates will work out a multi-media campaign for the same

Genesis Colors Pvt. Ltd., which has designer labels such as Satya Paul and Deepika Gehani and multi-brand retail chain Samsaara, has hired Bates Enterprise for its upcoming fashion brand.

The business was awarded to Bates Enterprise following a multi-agency pitch which saw four others in the fray. The size of the business is estimated at around Rs 4 crore.

Confirming this development to agencyfaqs! Alok Agrawal, executive vice-president, Bates Enterprise, says, “We will soon launch a multi-media campaign to promote this new brand.”

While the company mainly uses print, this time it also plans to use television and outdoor. However, the exact plan on how much would be spend on each media is still being worked on.

When contacted by agencyfaqs! executives at Genesis Colors declined to divulge details on the new brand. All they said was that it would be a completely new category the company will venture into now.

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