Ankit Ajmera

Countdown to Abby 2007: Bates David Enterprise counts on its ‘Killer’ instincts

In all, the agency has entered seven pieces of its work for the awards, including work on Killer Jeans. There is only one television entry from the agency, apart from four press campaigns and two single press and poster ads

The new office of Bates David Enterprise will not just make room for more people. The agency will perhaps order an extra shelf or two to stock the Abby trophies which it has high hopes of picking up this year. Agency executives are particularly excited about the Killer Jeans commercial created last year. In all, the agency has entered seven creatives for the awards. While there is only one television entry, four press campaigns and two single press and poster ads, hope to make up for that.

The Killer Jeans campaign has been created by the agency’s creative director Karan Rawat, who had recently moved out of the organisation. Rawat explains, “Every year, Killer comes up with cohesive themes that describe the feature of the jeans being advertised. As Killer jeans are known for their tough fabric, we coined the tagline ‘Immortal Jeans from Killer’.” The ad showed that the jeans are so strong that one tends to tame death and become immortal after wearing them. The task was to keep in line with the international look and feel for the brand and target the youth. For this purpose only foreign models have been used in the ad.

Countdown to Abby 2007: Bates David Enterprise counts on its ‘Killer’ instincts
Killer Forest
Countdown to Abby 2007: Bates David Enterprise counts on its ‘Killer’ instincts
Killer Garden
Countdown to Abby 2007: Bates David Enterprise counts on its ‘Killer’ instincts
Killer Pool
There are three ads in the campaign. The first ad shows the ‘Grim Ripper’ chained like a dog in the visual and the guy, who is wearing a Killer, exerts power over him by wielding his ‘ripper’ standing next to him. In the second ad, the guy wearing the Killer is in the Garden of Eden surrounded by beautiful women and the ‘Grim Ripper’ is being treated like a servant to serve them. The third ad features this guy in heaven with the ladies and the Grim Ripper helplessly caged.

Three more print campaigns that have been entered this year from the agency include the Marico corporate campaign in the Print: Corporate/Organizational category, titled ‘Uncommon Sense’, and another on ‘The Times of India’ partnering ‘Sandesh’ in Gujarat in the Print: Media category. The Marico ads highlight the achievements of the organisation and are also targeted towards prospective employees. The campaign on ‘The Times of India Sandesh’ partnership in Gujarat makes use of English words penned down which have Gujarati pronunciations.

The only television commercial that Bates David Enterprise has entered this year is the Tata AIG Life Retirement Options film in the Television: Financial Advertising category. Rajiv Raja, executive creative director, Bates David Enterprise, says, “The insight for this particular commercial is that most people live their lives doing what they have to do and no what they actually want to do. The task was to make people plan for their retirement when they are still young so that they can enjoy life after retirement by doing what they actually love.” The commercial shows a small kid going around always feeding stuff to all the people he comes across in his society. He continues to do so till he reaches the age of 40 years. He then retires and opens a gym in his locality and ropes in all these people who have hogged because of him for so many years. The tagline goes, ‘What do you want to do after work?’

The two single press ads that have been entered are Benadryl cough syrup in the Outdoor: Healthcare, Print: Healthcare and Ambient Media category and IDBI Bank single ad in the Print and Outdoor: Financial Advertising category.

There is also a campaign on the fashion, jewellery and home décor store brand Ravissant, which has been entered in the Print Craft: Photography category.

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