Sign up for afaqs! Newsletters was spending close to Rs 6 crore on advertising till last year. Industry sources estimate that the company is likely to increase its advertising budget to Rs 8-10 crore now because of increased competition has moved its creative duties away from Everest Brand Solutions. The reason is the exodus of top executives from the agency.
Dhruv Shringi |
In the last few months, Everest Brand Solutions has lost its top management team. First, it was Mahesh Chauhan (former president) who was moved to the sister agency, Rediffusion DY&R, as president. Then Aniruddha Banerjee, COO, quit the agency. He was followed by Anant Pal Singh, branch head, Delhi. Among other senior professionals to have quit the agency are national planning head Sourabh Mishra, ACDs Ravinder Siwach and Ashish Rehi, and Saurabh Tara from client servicing.
Till last year, was spending about Rs 6 crore on its advertising. Sources estimate that the company will probably increase its advertising budget this year because of increased competition. It is likely to spend in the region of Rs 8-10 crore. Other players in the category that are advertising aggressively include, Travelguru, and Travelocity.
Optimum Media Solutions (OMS) continues to handle the media part of the business.
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