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Traps six reality stars, who’ve never known a world without IKEA, in an old 1990s home.
What do you get when you trap six modern-day reality show stars in a house from the past (read the 1990s)? You get IKEA’s 25th anniversary celebration in Spain.
“Itchy, heavy bedding. Kitchen utensils scattered everywhere. A bathroom so small you can't even leave a wash bag in there,” is how the Swedish furniture and home essentials giant describes the home.
The aim was to create a reality show featuring contestants, “who were born 25 years ago and have never known life without IKEA.”
“A branded content campaign that blurs the line between reality, fiction and advertising,” says McCann Spain in its Instagram post for the campaign.
There are a total of eight episodes and, don’t worry, IKEA has not been too harsh on the poor contestants. They’re let access to modern appliances and tools, but in a tortuously slow way. Talk about prolonging the pain for them and, in the process, entertaining us.