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Onsurity's film honours mothers, highlights parental care, and focuses on their health and well-being

The film also promotes employee engagement and empathy, and resonates with Onsurity's team, fostering a sense of belonging.

As Mother’s Day approaches, Onsurity, India’s monthly subscription-based employee healthcare benefits platform, today announced the launch of its film, "Dear Maa - A Letter from Onsurity." This poignant piece explores the timeless art of letter writing, a practice often overlooked in today’s digital age, to express gratitude and love towards mothers across the world.

In an age dominated by instant messages and emails, handwritten letters hold a power to convey emotions in a profound and lasting manner. "Dear Maa" aims to revive this lost art by inviting Onsurity employees to pen heartfelt letters addressed to their mothers. These letters, filled with love, nostalgia, and gratitude, serve as the centerpiece of the film, showcasing the deep bond between mothers and their children.

Samar Kagalwalla, head - marketing and growth at Onsurity, expressed the sentiment behind the film, stating, "Mothers play an irreplaceable role in shaping our lives, yet their sacrifices often go unnoticed. 'Dear Maa' is our tribute to the unwavering love and selflessness of mothers everywhere. Through this film, we hope to honour their boundless dedication and inspire others to express their appreciation."

The film not only serves as a tribute to mothers but also doubles as an employee engagement initiative, encouraging Onsurity’s team to connect with their emotions and reflect on the importance of family. By showcasing the authentic experiences of its own employees, Onsurity aims to resonate with audiences on a personal level, fostering a sense of empathy, which is also one of our core values.

"Our objective with 'Dear Maa' goes beyond brand awareness. We want to make parental care an integral part of Indian households," explained Kagalwalla. "By sharing real stories and emotions of our team, we hope to spark similar reflections and discussions among our audience, in turn nudging them to prioritise parents’ health and well-being."

In a testament to Onsurity’s commitment to authenticity and creativity, the film was conceived, produced, and crafted entirely in-house. From the initial concept to the final cut, every aspect of this tribute to mothers was driven by the brand’s passionate team. By keeping the entire process in-house, the brand has ensured that every frame and sentiment truly reflects its values and dedication to genuine storytelling.

As Mother’s Day approaches, Onsurity invites audiences to join in celebrating the bond between mothers and children, and to embrace the power of handwritten letters to express love and appreciation.

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