Aditya Jaishankar

Stories by 'Aditya Jaishankar'

Guest Article

Gamechanging pickleball lessons for marketers

Our guest author Aditya Jaishankar lists all the marketing lessons a new sport offers marketers advertising professionals and entrepreneurs.
Guest Article

How a show named Lupin fixed an appointment with me

Our guest author lists a three step approach to making sure video content lands up on a consumer's watch list.
Guest Article

Why investors are the best consumers

While we constantly look at the investors as a breed, who need to be convinced and persuaded, perhaps, we should look at them from another perspective.
Guest Article

How Netflix became our favourite history teacher

The right platform and medium can make lots of topics much more interesting than they usually are. So, what are the lessons we can learn here?
Guest Article

Narsimha Avatar and the bizarre world of marketing

How are the two similar?
Guest Article

How Netflix helped me lose weight...

... If that headline sounds non-linear and bizarre, then read on...
Guest Article

How did Facebook conquer Buri Nazar?

Today, super-consumerism trumps superstition. We see this play out on Facebook the most.
Guest Article

The passage of transition: A goldmine for marketers

This guest article is on the cusp of branding and psychology.
Guest Article

What can marketers learn from comedians?

When stereotypes are demolished, or brought alive in a humorous manner, interesting advertising is born.
Guest Article

Guest Article: Aditya Jaishankar: Why 'Facebook' becoming 'Fakebook' is a million dollar opportunity

And, how marketers and app developers can tap into the phenomenon.