Results for 'Digies 2024'


Decoding media buying and its digital transformation with Mindshare's Amin Lakhani

As digital shifts gears to become more and more prominent, here's what the CEO of Mindshare thinks of modern media-buying.

Are the lines between performance marketing and brand-building blurring?

Decoding the evolution of performance marketing and its impact on brand building.

The cookie conundrum: How are brands adapting beyond the demise of third-party data?

With Google’s slow but sure phasing out of cookies, brands are looking into alternatives. Here’s what they’re finding.

IndiGo soars to victory, White Rivers Media rides the wave at the afaqs! Digies Awards 2024

Brands and agencies united to celebrate digital advertising excellence at the afaqs! Digies Awards 2024 on February 29, held at the Holiday Inn in Mumbai.