Results for 'Shrenik Gandhi'

Influencer Marketing

The Orry phenomenon: Can this desi influencer earn Kardashian-fame in Bollytown?

We discover the brand appeal of one of the most recognisable yet mysterious celebrity influencers.

“Wanted to make entrepreneurship mainstream among Tier-I, II audiences”: White Rivers Media’s Shrenik Gandhi on 'Shark Tank India'

A month after the Sony TV show ended, it is still much-loved in the digital world. The co-founder and chief executive officer of the show's digital partner, sheds light on its strategy that has given it an after-life.
Guest Article

The challenge of marketing crypto in India

With great returns come great responsibility.

Dukaan, dhanda, khareedna... why are there so many commerce-like words in Facebook’s ‘More Together’ ads?

Facebook is a mammoth in terms of online communities, but like Google, it is yet to crack the commerce side of the internet.

White Rivers Media awarded digital duties for Times Network English Entertainment cluster

The account shall be handled out of the agency’s head office in Mumbai.

IKEA highlights price points in new ads


Hands that rise for namaz also make Ganpati idols...


"Hello, Fever Fighters?" goes the copy of this ad for a path-lab


"Comedy is the most consumed genre of content among Millennials": Ali Harris Shere, Britannia


White Rivers Media wins the digital and creative mandate for Canadian Wood