Results for 'TV news'


TV18’s News business records 23% revenue jump in Q3FY24

Its portfolio continued to be the highest reach TV news network in India, reaching 175 million people around the country every week.

Hindi news dominates TV news ad revenue with 17% share between Jul-Sep 2023: TAM AdEx

Reckitt India was the biggest advertiser on TV news during Jul-Sept'23, with a 7% share of ad volumes.

TV news saw 2% drop in ad volumes in 2022, over 2021: report

Hindi news topped, with more than 30% share of the news genre’s ad volumes in 2022 and 2021, reveals TAM AdEx report.

Advertisers look forward to BARC releasing news genre viewership data

The advertisers have been investing ad spends on these channels, since October 2020, without any data to back their decisions.