Results for 'Ariel'


Atul Khatri humorously showcases Ariel's 'Home Map' as a tech solution for sharing the load

The app is designed to assist husbands in locating household items, similar to how men use maps to navigate unfamiliar areas.

Don’t make her choose home over work because you can’t share the load, says Ariel in a new spot

P&G CMO and BBDO CCO speak on the ninth ‘Share the Load’ campaign from the laundry detergent giant.

Ads that we savoured like fine wine in 2023

That piece when the observers of advertising reveal the ones that tickled their fancy.

The Times of India partners with Ariel post its sixth rendition of ‘Share the Load’ campaign

The newspaper turned its matrimonial page into a section of tips and recommendations for husbands and wives.

Ariel's new film brings alive the heartache of 'silent separation'

Sharat Verma and Josy Paul speak about the sixth edition of the detergent brand's 'Share the Load' campaign.

2022 in ads: Witty, woke, and whimsical

What was your favourite ad campaign of 2022? Is it among these 10 ads?

Ariel takes a jab at the post-party clean-up which is mostly done by women

While the guy(s) scrolls through photographs of the night.

Ariel partners with chef Sanjeev Kapoor to take the #ArielVs100Stain challenge

The ad film #Arielvs100stains challenge is conceptualised and executed by Leo Burnett.

Ariel’s #ShareTheLoad appeal to advertisers, content creators

The brand has partnered with five contemporary female NFT artists to develop digital artwork on the theme #SeeEqual.

ITC Vivel's ad subtly differentiates work from home and work for home

In a spot that talks about how similar remote working and household work is, ITC attempts to drive the point of equality home.